Finnish BankID and Mobile-ID (FTN)

Finnish BankID and Mobile-ID (FTN) is a framework established by the Finnish government to provide a single point of access to all the electronic IDs issued by Finnish banks and mobile telecom operators.

Finnish Trust network eID

One-stop shop for Finnish eIDs

FTN simplifies the way service providers (businesses, organizations, public services) identify and authenticate their Finnish customers and users. It’s a platform that provides access to all the digital identities (eIDs) issued to Finnish citizens and organizations by Finance Finland (Finanssiala), a group of Finnish banks, and Mobiilivarmenne, a group of Finnish mobile telecom operators.

Signing a contract with an FTN broker means you only need one integration to reach all Finnish citizens, eliminating the need for separate agreements and integrations with each of the many Finnish eIDs.

A new era for digital identity in Finland

FTN was established in 2017 and is managed by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. It replaced the previous identity service, TUPAS, which was phased out in 2019. Security was a key driver for forming FTN, as TUPAS, which had been operating for nearly 20 years, did not meet the new requirements under eIDAS, nor the more extensive new data privacy and protection regulations introduced in Finland.

Competition was another driver for forming the FTN. Under TUPAS, service providers needed a separate contract and a separate integration for each bank they worked with. Under FTN, a single standardised service contract and a single integration allows strong authentication service brokers to resell eID solutions in Finland, with a cap on transaction costs between the bank and eID broker.


Scrive’s FTN offering

Scrive offers access to FTN through an API as well as an integrated part of the eSign electronic signature service.

The Scrive eID Hub is an API that makes it easy for organisations and businesses to integrate Finnish BankID, Mobile-ID and other eIDs into their systems to authenticate their own customers and users. As an eID Hub customer, you sign one contract with Scrive and get access to all the eIDs Scrive supports, but you only buy the eIDs you need and only pay for what you use. This way you avoid having to sign a separate contract with each eID provider and do a separate integration for each.
Built for security, simplicity and scalability, eID Hub provides a single point of access for identity checks, customer onboarding, KYC compliance, secure sign-in and other authentication needs, thus streamlining their digital identity journey for all their markets.

FTN is already integrated into eSign, Scrive’s electronic signature service. eSign makes it easy to send, sign and manage documents on any device, helping businesses digitalise and automate their agreement signing processes. When eSign users send out documents for signature, they may want to add an extra layer of security to make sure only authorised parties can access and sign their documents. They can do this by requiring the signing parties to authenticate themselves, and one option is to use one of the many eIDs Scrive supports.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is FTN?

    The Finnish Trust Network (FTN) is an aggregator of digital identities issued to Finnish citizens and organisations.

  • What is TUPAS?

    TUPAS was the Finnish digital identity service that FTN replaced in 2019.

  • Why was FTN created?

    FTN was created by Finnish authorities to address new security requirements (eIDAS and Finnish law) and to create more market competition for digital identity services.

  • How can my business offer FTN to its customers?

    You need to work with an eID broker that is part of the FTN. Contact Scrive to find out how to get started.

Learn about Scrive’s eID offerings

Book a demo to find out how to offer eID in your own services or in your Scrive eSign account.

Book a demo

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