

Smart-ID is the easy, safe and fast way for residents of the Baltics to log into e-services, authenticate and sign documents online.

Smart ID eID

Digital identity across the Baltics

Launched in 2017 by SK ID Solutions, Smart-ID is their newest electronic identity solution, building on their earlier offerings: ID-card and Mobile-ID. Smart-ID is now the most popular mobile authentication solution across the Baltics, with over 3 million users in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Smart-ID conforms to eIDAS, the EU Regulation on trust services, and the Payment Services Directive (PSD2).

Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES)

Smart-ID is recognised as a Qualified Signature Creation Device (QSCD) according to the eIDAS Regulation. This means that Smart-ID users can electronically sign documents with a signature on the Qualified level, the highest level according to eIDAS. A Qualified Electronic Signature is the legal equivalent of a handwritten signature and is valid throughout the EU.

SmartID eIDHub

How it works


To register a Smart-ID account requires an Estonian, Latvian or Lithuanian national ID-number. Age requirements vary depending on country and registration method. Once you have downloaded and installed the Smart-ID on your mobile device, there are multiple registration options, including ID-card, Mobile-ID, passport or visiting a bank.

A Smart-ID account is valid for a period of three years. Then it’s necessary to create a new account to ensure that the account is linked to the correct person and has the correct personal data. You can install the app on multiple smart devices, but you must register a new account for each device.

PIN codes

Smart-ID uses two different PIN codes during each transaction, PIN1 and PIN2. PIN1 is used to authenticate the user, for example when accessing an online bank account or e-service. PIN2 is used for electronic signatures and for completing transactions, like completing a bank transfer. For security reasons, if you forget your PIN codes, you need to open a new Smart-ID account.

Scrive’s offering

Signing with Scrive and Smart-ID

Scrive offers Qualified Electronic Signatures with Smart-ID as an integrated feature in the eSign document signing service. When sending a document for signature, the eSign user only needs to set the authentication method to Smart-ID.

Integrating with Smart-ID

The Scrive eID Hub makes it easy to integrate Smart-ID into your own services and systems so you can offer secure logins, Know Your Customer (KYC) checks and other authentication processes. eID Hub is an API that provides a single point of access for integrating any of the eIDs in Scrive’s growing suite of digital identity offerings.

Frequently asked questions

  • Who can get Smart-ID?

    Anyone with an Estonian, Latvian or Lithuanian national ID-number. Some age restrictions apply.

  • How do you register a Smart-ID account?

    There are multiple registration methods. You can register online with ID-card, Mobile-ID or a passport. Or you can register in person at a bank.

  • Can you use Smart-ID on multiple devices?

    Yes, but for each device you must register a new account.

  • How long is the registration valid?

    For security reasons, you must create a new account every three years.

Learn about Scrive’s eID offerings

Book a demo to find out how to offer eID in your own services or in your Scrive eSign account.

Book a demo

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