
A safe start in Sweden – a broad collaboration for those fleeing Ukraine

The initiative “A safe start in Sweden” has been launched to assist those fleeing from Ukraine to Sweden more quickly. The Skill Shift Initiative (Beredskapslyftet), Save the Children (Rädda Barnen) and City Mission (Stadsmissionen) have come together in a joint project with Airbnb and Scrive to help as many people from Ukraine as possible to receive a safe first place to stay in Sweden. 

The solution

Through Airbnb, individuals and companies can offer part of their house or apartment in a safe and quick way during two to four weeks, which will give the responsible Swedish institutions additional time to find appropriate long term accommodation. 

Save the Children is responsible for matching families in need with suitable accommodation and, together with City Mission, with volunteers who can support contacts at public authorities and schools, and deal with safety, trauma and healthcare issues. A safe start in Sweden is also mobilising interest from employees in Swedish companies to offer accommodation and support as volunteers. The aim of the initiative is to reduce the risk of families living in unsafe housing or being exposed to trafficking risks, both of which present major risks in the current situation. Through background checks and training, we ensure that people seeking refuge in Sweden can find a safe place to call home.

How can I help?

You can either open up your home for a limited period of time or serve as a volunteer. Go to En Trygg Start i Sverige to register your interest and receive more information. You can also find answers to some of the most common questions. Brief details are set out below:

Offering a place to stay

If you want to open up your home, you can follow the link from En Trygg Start i Sverige. You will then be contacted by someone at Save the Children or City Mission when your home has been matched with a family. You will preferably be able to offer a place to stay for two to four weeks. Staying in a home via  is free of charge for those fleeing Ukraine and you will be expected to offer your home free of charge. 

Become a volunteer

If you want to serve as a volunteer, you can sign up and then be invited to undergo mandatory training (approx. three hours and primarily online). Most volunteers will be needed to act as contacts for families, but they can also register their interest in being involved in other activities, such as social activities at the Swedish Migration Agency and asylum centres, language training, etc.

Scrive is proud to provide e-signing and document management for this initiative which looks to help people during an incredibly difficult period in their lives, enabling all of us to come together and show solidarity in action.

Read more and sign up here.

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