
FasAd launches e-signing with Scrive to simplify real estate sales

Partner, Real Estate
Scrive and Fasad

Scrive is pleased to announce a new partnership with FasAd, a brokerage system that real estate professionals raise their customer experience to a new level.

“In the real estate and brokerage industry, contract management and signing is a big part of everyday life”, says Scrive CEO Viktor Wrede. “We are happy to see FasAd add Scrive to their solution and this is a great step towards a simplified process in the real estate industry for both customers and estate agents.”

With Scrive you can e-sign your agreements directly from FasAd and automate the entire document journey, from generation to signing to archiving. Automating the document journey not only make the work easier for estate agents but also create a better customer experience. With integrated eID checks to authenticate viewing and signing parties, you add an extra layer of security. 

About FasAd

FasAd offers a brokerage and CRM system giving real estate brokers an end-to-end solution to support the process of mediation for homes and properties. The full transaction process is covered in FasAd with modules tailored to support real estate agents’ obligatory activities specified in the Swedish Estate Agents’ Act. FasAd provides structure and efficiency and its strong CRM functionality, including customizable marketing automation and other fully automated functionality, adds significant value to any real estate broker.

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