
5 ways Scrive makes compliance easy

Guide, Legal
5 ways Scrive makes compliance easy

Regulatory compliance is an essential part of any business, but keeping up with the ever-changing regulatory landscape can be difficult. Not to mention time-consuming, costly, and confusing. So let’s take a look at five reasons businesses choose Scrive’s e-signatures and digital identity services to help simplify and moderate their compliance.

1. Automated document management

Scrive’s e-signature solution takes the hassle out of document management. By automating the whole process, every document is handled correctly and always by the book—eliminating human error where there’s no room for slip-ups. Features like document routing, version control, and real-time tracking ensure proper management of every document from start to finish.

Real-world impact: Volkswagen Group put Scrive to work, tackling their complex processes head-on with automated solutions. The result? Spot-on compliance and error-free documentation, every time.

2. Enhanced security features

In order to ensure all documents are tamper-proof and securely stored, Scrive utilises a wide variety of security measures including end-to-end encryption and blockchain technology. This doesn’t just keep sensitive info under lock and key, it helps businesses stay on top of stringent regulatory requirements.

Real-world impact: Pleo, a fintech company, integrated Scrive’s eID solutions to increase their onboarding compliance. Secure, compliant identity verification every time, without a second thought.

3. Comprehensive audit trails

By recording actions and timestamps, Scrive ensures a complete and transparent record for audits. We provide detailed audit trails for every transaction, essential for regulatory compliance. These trails include timestamps, IP addresses, and user actions, logging each step of the document lifecycle within complex workflows.  No last-minute scrambling, no stress—just clear, compliant documentation.

Real-world impact: Academic Work went from seeing their sales process as a black box into which they had no actionable insights to having detailed records of all interactions and steps. Not only was this vital for compliance but hugely beneficial for a better overview and ​​strategic decision making on the commercial side of the business.

4. Adherence to legal standards

Scrive’s legal team is heavily involved in every facet of the business, keeping the requirements of key regulations like the GDPR, eIDAS and more in mind at every junction. Businesses can choose the appropriate level of security and compliance both for the business as a whole and for each document, as Scrive’s platform supports all e-signature levels recognised by eIDAS.

Scrive is also ISO 27001:2022 certified, covering all assets that are part of Scrive’s SaaS products.

Real-world impact: Through Scrive, DNB Bank achieved full compliance with rigorous financial agreement standards in the automotive sector, meeting both local regulations and international laws.

5. Customisable compliance controls

One-size-fits-all approaches rarely work with compliance. Organisations using Scrive can tailor their compliance controls to fit their own individual requirements and regulatory mandates. Scrive’s platform is super flexible and can be customised to meet any compliance demand—whether it’s setting up role-based access controls, multi-factor authentication, or specific workflow approvals.

Real-world example: Hertz Iceland chose Scrive to help boost customer service and simplify compliance by digitising and centralising their agreement processes.

We would definitely recommend Scrive to other companies due to its simplicity, security, and the smooth collaboration we experienced during the implementation process. The ID Check solution has not only improved operational efficiency but also enhanced the overall feeling of security for both customers and our internal team.

Josefin Salander – Customer Care Manager at NetOnNet

Compliance doesn’t have to be a headache. Scrive makes the process easy, boosting efficiency and keeping your customers happy. It makes no difference whether you’re a giant corporation or a growing startup, Scrive ensures compliance no matter what. Saving you the time to focus on what’s important. 

Ready to ditch the paper chase? Sign up for a free trial today and experience the difference first hand.

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