
Heartpace launches e-signing with Scrive

Digitalisation, HR, Partner

Scrive is pleased to announce a new partnership with Heartpace, provider of cloud-based HR management software. The integration of eSign, Scrive’s electronic signature service, into the Heartpace HRM platform streamlines HR operations by automating many of the administrative steps involved in signing and managing agreements, delivering a superior experience for HR teams, employees and candidates.

The Scrive integration enables signatories to sign agreements on any connected device, wherever they are, and HR staff can monitor the progress of the signing process at a glance, eliminating manual follow-up tasks.

“With the technical integration between Heartpace and the Scrive e-signing service there is a seamless workflow for agreement handling, starting, and ending in the Heartpace HR System”, says Heartpace CEO Henrik Dannert. “The parties involved in the signing will be able to sign agreements on any device. No need to download, print, scan, upload, or send email to get things signed.”

“Our partnership with Heartpace creates an automated and 100% digital HR process”, says Scrive CEO Viktor Wrede. “You never have to leave your HR system – making everyday work easier and creating a good employee experience.”

The entire signing process begins and ends in Heartpace, so there’s no chance of losing a contract or agreement. Once all parties have signed, the agreement is automatically stored back in Heartpace.

Templates make it easy to quickly create tailored HR agreements with data from Heartpace records. Keeping all data in digital format reduces document preparation time, eliminates errors and shortens lead times. 

To protect the confidentiality and security of HR agreements, the Scrive service offers integrated authentication to ensure that only authorised people can view and sign agreements. Scrive offers a growing suite of ID verification services including BankID, MitID and Smart-ID.


About Heartpace

Stockholm-based Heartpace offers a completely modular HR system that supports and simplifies all daily HR work, covering all core HR needs, while empowering users to make the right decisions based on data-driven insights in all HR processes.

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