
Scrive joins Covid-19 rapid response initiatives

Scrive has joined Norrsken Foundation’s Action Against Corona initiative. The first project we are supporting is an effort to ensure secure food delivery for the elderly by identifying the “helpers” using electronic ID.

Norrsken launched Action Against Corona almost overnight to help support initiatives to improve the situation for victims, the health care system and anyone whose lives are, or will be, impacted by Covid-19.

Norrsken’s Be Part of the Solution campaign is inviting any initiative, project or startup with a solution that can improve the situation to step in. Scrive, for our part, is offering to provide electronic signature and electronic identification services to assist with the many situations individuals and organisations are facing when it’s no longer possible or advisable to meet and conduct business in person.

Scrive’s first project as part of these efforts is for Mattåget, a local initiative in Falkenberg whose mission is to “Help with the act of food!” To minimize the risk of contagion and for people facing difficulty doing their own food shopping, particularly the elderly, helpers receive phone orders, go shopping and assist with online orders. 

To provide a measure of security, all helpers are identified with Swedish BankID, and Scrive will be providing these identity verification transactions for free through our eID Hub. 

Scrive invites projects with similar needs to approach us, including outside Sweden, as our eID Hub supports electronic identification methods in several other countries, including Onfido, an online ID check service with global reach. Scrive also supports Norwegian BankID, MitID (Denmark), FTN (Finland), Verimi (Germany), itsme (Belgium) and iDIN (Netherlands).

SaaS startups are uniquely positioned to help out at this time, being agile, flexible and quick to respond to changing conditions. So we encourage anyone in our industry with a digital solution that could be useful to jump in. Norrsken Foundation is a good place to start.

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