
Swedish courts digitalise further



Sweden’s district courts have started using a new digital system for drafting and signing judgments in criminal cases. This means big changes for court staff as well as those who read their judgments.

The new system, which went into effect on Monday, October 3, 2022, replaced one that had been in use since the 1990s. The old system, while digital, was optimised for paper, as every judgement was required to be printed out and signed by a judge with a traditional ink-and-paper signature.

Now a system is in place that supports a 100% digital process, thanks to the fact that it is legally accepted to electronically sign judgments. E-signing in turn enables the automation of other functions in the document lifecycle, including the distribution.

Other government authorities that require judgements as part of their processes no longer need to manually request them from the courts, which has been an inefficient process for both the requesting authority and the court staff. Thanks to the way the judgements are now structured, the new system can be configured to automatically and proactively push the signed judgements, or specific metadata from the judgements, out to the information systems of those authorised to access them.

Now the district courts and their stakeholders can benefit from a 100% digital process. The judgement is created in a digital format and remains digital throughout its lifecycle: from the reviewing to the signing to the archiving and distribution. 


Do you have similar processes that you want to automate? 

Consult Scrive on how to build an automated process to generate agreements and other documents, sign them electronically, capture data from the documents and push it to a system like your CRM, CLM or HR system. Scrive is the European expert for building secure digital journeys. 

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