

Scrive offers Swedish BankID through both the eID Hub and the eSign electronic signature service.

About BankID

BankID provides a simple and secure way to digitally identify yourself with both public and private organizations, such as when accessing government e-services, doing online banking, signing documents, and making secure payments at e-commerce stores.

First in Sweden

BankID has made Sweden a pioneer in the widespread adoption of digital identity. First launched in 2003, BankID now has over 8 million users, making it by far the most used eID in Sweden. The vast majority of users opt for Mobile BankID, an app for identifying yourself on a phone and tablet using a security code, facial recognition or fingerprints, depending on what your device supports.

Since BankID was launched, the number of companies and public organisations that offer BankID in their services has grown steadily. So has the number of banks that can issue BankID to their customers, including Handelsbanken, Nordea, Danske Bank and SEB.

In the first year of BankID, people were already using it to sign their tax returns. Today its uses include signing agreements and loan documents, making secure payments by internet and collecting packages from the postal agent.


BankID’s technical infrastructure, operation and maintenance are certified according to ISO27001:2013. Ongoing monitoring and testing ensure that BankID stays safe and potential security risks are discovered early and can be mitigated.

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