eSign Online

E-signing has become the standard in the digital world, and by incorporating electronic signatures into your business and agreement workflows, you can:

Scrive e-signing steps

esigning step 1

1. Upload your document

Log in to the Scrive eSign Online portal and upload your document.

esigning step 2

2. Add signing parties

Enter the contact information of the people who need to receive and sign the agreement.


esigning step 3

3. Send for signing

The document is sent to the signing parties, and you’ll be notified once the signed agreement is securely stored in your archive.

Try eSign

Test-sign a document online

Want to experience Scrive’s e-signing solution? See how easy it is to speed up your agreement workflow with our online test-sign now.

eSign portrait photo

eSign Online: Much more than e-signing

Automation wherever possible, better data accuracy, stronger compliance and enhanced employee and customer experience. Scrive eSign Online is a solid first step to digitalisation – a reliable, efficient and secure e-sign solution to expand and grow your business.

eSign is full of features to automate and customise your e-sign agreement process, before and after the e-signing, see a selection of features below.

View and sign with eIDs
Access to eIDs in eSign service. Such as BankID, MitID, Onfido, Swisscom and more. See list of all eIDs

Reduce document preparation time and get more control over your processes by creating templates for your daily agreements workflows.

Structured data flows
Extract critical business data from signed documents and populate your native systems.

Archiving options
Store and manage your signed documents in Scrive E-archive, or auto-offboard them to your cloud storage of choice: Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox.

Bulk send
Need multiple people to sign the same document? Simply upload your mailing list — whether it’s 5 or 500 signers.

Add your logo, colours and messaging to brand your e-sign experience.

Send your document to one or more parties for approval

Deadlines, reminders and contract expiration notifications
Keep the signing process on track while you’re handling other tasks.

Scrive QES

Scrive’s solution makes qualified electronic signatures (QES) simple and affordable, providing the highest level of security and legal recognition across the EU. Simply sign with BankID or any of the many eIDAS-approved national eIDs throughout the EU. With guaranteed compliance across all relevant regulations, now is the time to future-proof your business.

Learn more about Scrive QES

Blockchain ensures the authenticity of digital signatures

Scrive uses blockchain technology to guarantee the integrity of your document. First, the document is secured with a digital signature, and then blockchain verifies the signature by creating a permanent, tamper-proof public record. This makes it possible to prove that any electronically signed document:

  • has not been altered
  • is not a forgery
  • was created on the precise date and time indicated by the digital signature

FAQ for e-signing

  • Do you need an eID to sign electronically?

    This is normally not required. However, an eID might be preferred or even required in certain situations:
    1) High contract value/BNPL. E.g., when selling a car, or a phone with a leasing contract, an ID check decreases fraud risk.
    2) AML/KYC requirements. E.g., before opening a bank account, it is often legally required that proper identification of the customer has taken place.
    3) Advanced electronic signatures. Sometimes you meet statutory requirements to use advanced electronic signatures. There are four requirements for an electronic signature to be recognised as advanced according to the eIDAS Regulation. In simple terms, these include the need to uniquely identify the signatory and make sure that that the signatory had sole control of their signature. It must also be possible to detect if any changes have occurred after the point of signature. Courts have on multiple occasions confirmed that when e-signatures created in Scrive eSign are combined with eIDs, these constitute advanced electronic signatures.

  • What different levels of e-signature are there?

    There are three levels of electronic signature. The eIDAS Regulation defines three types of electronic signatures: (Basic) Electronic Signature, Advanced Electronic Signature and Qualified Electronic Signature. Read more about electronic signatures

  • What is eIDAS

    eIDAS stands for electronic Identification, Authentication and trust Services, and is an EU regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions that applies as law within the whole of the EU. Read more about eIDAS

  • Are e-signatures legally binding?

    For 99.99% of all documents, the answer is a solid “yes”. Contract law world wide typically honours any agreement where the parties’ intentions to become bound are clearly stated. A handshake, phone recording, fax, paper signature and e-signature are all valid. Read more about legally binding signatures

  • What’s the difference between electronic signatures and digital signatures?

    An electronic signature is a method for entering into a legal agreement in a digital environment. Think of it as the digital equivalent of signing your name on a paper document, such as a sales contract.
    A digital signature is not a signature in the legal sense. Rather, it’s about document integrity, which means that in the event of a dispute, you can prove that: (1) no one has altered the original document, and (2) the document you’re presenting isn’t a forgery. It’s like a fingerprint that is unique to that document
    Read more about digital vs electronic signatures