The first step of the customer journey is a crucial moment for risk mitigation. It involves addressing various risks such as fraud, compliance, security breaches, and perhaps the biggest risk of all: customer frustration and abandonment. Scrive understands that addressing these risks with the right digital solutions, combined with a good dose of common sense and empathy, is essential. It's the fast road to converting satisfied customers while making your business safe and efficient.
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Onboarding isn’t about cutting corners; it’s about automating tasks, like compliance checks, to make everything smoother. Scrive makes it easy.
Instant data lookups facilitate the quick and secure capture of information. This ensures continuous compliance diligence throughout the onboarding process.
It’s less about flashy tech and more about common sense and empathy for your customers during the onboarding process. Let’s dispel some common misconceptions about going digital. To understand the Scrive approach to the onboarding process, we’ve gathered insights from seasoned experts. Learn how to express your company culture through technology without long, expensive integration projects. The basic tools you need for the onboarding process are easy to implement with minimal business disruption.
“Imagine a bank offering a great customer experience. They’d take over tomorrow.”’s Pontus Holmberg gets to the heart of what’s at stake when it comes to marrying compliance and CX.
Fast and secure
Our solutions are built for compliance, including AML, GDPR, and eIDAS.
No customer frustration
We respect your customer’s time and effort during onboarding.
Practical solutions, no fancy tech
We focus on common sense, customer-friendly design, and getting things done quickly.
B2B onboarding can be complex and costly. Simplify AML compliance, KYB processes, and credit approvals by automating:
The “Nordic way” is going global. Learn more about how Scrive brings compliance and CX together in this eBook. Customer Due Diligence doesn’t need to be overly daunting, yet KYC and KYB interrogations tend to be uncomfortable.
Learn more about how Scrive brings compliance and CX together in this eBook.