Streamline your tenant administration

Simplify your property management. Streamline your forms and agreements processes, offering a more secure, user friendly experience to your tenants and staff.

Real estate property management
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Consequences of poor processes

  • Inaccurate financial reporting
  • Delayed or missed payments
  • Legal compliance issues
  • Poor tenant relations and tenant turnover
  • Operational inefficiencies

Faulty or inefficient processes in tenants administration, especially to do with data collection, can lead to severe consequences.

To mitigate these consequences, property managers should implement robust data management practices, regularly audit tenant information for accuracy, and invest in technology solutions that streamline data collection and processing. 


digital forms

Digital forms and agreements

Facilitate the processing of applications by providing the information you need easily and securely. Build, customise and manage forms such as applications for subleasing, change of apartment and power of attorney forms without external dependencies.

Built-in business logic
Add rules for a personalised experience.

Data validation
Reduces errors and improves customer experience.

Add your logo, colours and typeface.

Multi-party signing
Respondent can add signatories on the fly.

Legally-binding signatures
Protected from fraud by blockchain technology and a world class evidence package.

ID verification
Authenticate parties to view and sign with BankID, or other European digital identities, for regulatory compliance and peace of mind.

Make life easy for:


  • Intuitive, no-code, drag-and-drop form builder tool
  • Publish the link anywhere – on your website, in an email, wherever your customers are
  • Get started immediately – no integration, no special skills required

Your signatories

  • Access the form through published link
  • Enter requested information
  • Sign – and done!

Test our Forms builder online for free

Streamline your application for subleasing. See how easy it is to speed up your workflow and self-serve for your customers with our online “test form”.

“We needed a quick fix to send a form to all our tenants so Scrive suggested using Forms Builder and it worked great! We arranged everything ourselves without the help of any expensive and time-consuming development. We were able to build the form with built-in logic where new questions are only generated when necessary based on the answers given, giving our tenants a better and simpler experience.”

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Stian Bekken, Head of Administration, Alti Forvaltning AS

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