Trust Centre

Learn about the legal durability of Scrive documents, our unique digital sealing method, blockchain security and more.

Are e-signatures legally binding?

It’s actually three questions in one, and not all of them are legal questions. Trade law professor Christina Ramberg helps us understand in a series of short videos:

  • What makes a signature legal?
  • How can you prove the signer’s identity?
  • What evidence can you show later?

Are e-signatures legally binding?

Legal evidence

Scrive set the world standard for the quality of legal evidence to accompany electronically-signed documents.

Legal evidence

Sealing and verifying a Scrive document

Scrive uses a unique method for tamper-proofing every signed document that allows you to independently verify its integrity in the future.

Sealing and verifying a Scrive document


Blockchain for smart people*

(*Who feel like dummies when someone says blockchain)
Scrive was the first e-sign provider to use blockchain technology to protect document integrity.

Blockchain for smart people*

Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES)

QES is the highest level of electronic signature as defined by the eIDAS regulation. Scrive currently offers QES services in partnership with Swisscom and Verimi, both trust service provider as recognised by the EU.

Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES)

eIDAS at a glance

Learn about the legal framework for standardising digital identity and electronic signatures (and more) in the EU.

eIDAS at a glance

Three levels of e-signature

The eIDAS framework for e-signing in the EU defines Basic, Advanced and Qualified Electronic Signatures.

Three levels of e-signature


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