A decade of accelerating innovation in the Banking sector

Why Scrive?

Scrive is an excellent fit for compliant contracts due to its inherent security features, long-term integrity, and tamper-evidence capabilities.

Keyless security

Scrive’s approach to contracts eliminates the risk of key compromise or certificate authority breaches, providing additional protection.

Long-term integrity

Scrive is designed to provide long-term data integrity and authenticity, limiting ongoing certificate management. This ensures contracts remain verifiable and trustworthy, even as technology changes.

Tamper evidence

Because of the blockchain-like structure of Scrive’s agreements, attempts to alter contracts can be detected quickly. Any tampering results in a mismatch of the unique fingerprint that was originally used.

Reliable timestamps

Scrive’s trusted timestamps create immutable data verification. This is particularly valuable for contracts as it specifies when certain information was first verified, or when a particular version of a contract existed.

Nordnet case

1-5 min

Getting agreements signed

Previously it would take Nordnet 5 days to a month to get contracts signed.
With Scrive’s process, it takes minutes!


Increase in conversion rate

Conversion rates more than doubled when Nordnet implemented Scrive in Sweden and Norway.

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Compliance and CX: an impossible marriage?

Customer Due Diligence doesn’t need to be overly daunting, yet KYC and KYB interrogations tend to be uncomfortable. It’s time to offer your customers an experience that’s more akin to an enjoyable snowboarding adventure rather than an intense interrogation.

Learn more about how Scrive brings compliance and CX together in this eBook.


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